Safety In the Storm

by Michelle Welch

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

The plans were simple enough. A week at Mustang Island State Park, a barrier island off the coast of Texas. No phones, no television, no distractions. A tent, a dutch oven, sweetheart, silly dog, our books, and time. Time to write, time to walk, time to talk, time with God. Sitting in the perfect setting of sand and surf, what more could you ask for?

After a late start, we arrived at the campground to find it very unfriendly for tenters. Gravel everywhere, motor-homes crammed like sardines, no view of anything other than the parking lot. Realizing we were running out of daylight, we searched for other options. Noticing a sign with the words “tent camping”, we cautiously drove out onto what turned out to be hard packed sand. Yay! Success! Not only was there camping, it was right on the beach. Driving the last stake in by moonlight, we turned in for the night, with at least one of us excited by our adventure.

Suddenly, at 4 am, we were awakened by a rush of sound, followed by the feel of the tent on our faces and the screams of silly dog as she tried to climb up in between us on the bed. A fierce wind had arrived, collapsing the tent, whipping sand into a frenzy of stinging swirls as we ran for the safety of the truck. Knowing we were safe inside, we settled into an uneasy sleep, broken only by the unspoken thoughts of my non-camping sweetheart and the whimpers of silly dog.

My thoughts were drawn to the storm that arose the night Christ and the disciples were on the boat. The disciples cried out “Lord save us: we perish. And He saith unto them, why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” Matthew 8:25-26

Do I have enough faith I wondered? When the winds of change and the storms of life swirl around me, do I seek shelter in Him? Do I really take Psalm 91 to heart, remembering that “He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all my ways”? Do I spend too much time cowering in the safety of my room and not enough time trusting that He will give me everything I need to make it through what He has called me to do? Sharing the gospel by writing whats on your heart can sometimes be a daunting task. Yet, because He has called me to this ministry, I must surrender my fear to Him, letting Him use me as He sees fit, not as I would have it be.

In this life we are asked to do many things as Christians that make us fearful or afraid. Do you have something He has called you to do? Can we pray for your fear to be left at His feet? God does not want you to be cowering in fear. He wants to empower you to do all that He has called you to do. His power and grace is sufficient for our needs.

Sweetheart and I are safe, suffering nothing more than two broken tent poles and my bruised ego. He was gracious enough not to say I told you so, leaving me to compromise with a KOA camping cabin, a cross between a tent and a hotel room. There are further stories of our adventure coming on my blog this week. Check out to see how it all turns out.

May God bless you and keep you this week in all the things that you do. May He give you grace when you need it, love when you want it, and peace from all that makes you fearful. In the name of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen

copyright © 2012 Michelle Welch, The Unclaimed Gift, Breath of Life Women’s Ministry photography property of Michelle Welch, all rights reserved scriptures from NIV and KJV Bibles