Sitting With Uncomfortable

By Rachel Latham Today I am practicing allowing the anxiety that I am feeling to rise to the surface. Not burying it but feeling the pit in my stomach, the shakiness, the rise in heart rate. I am practicing giving it a name, feeling it and then… asking Jesus to carry it, to show me,… Continue reading Sitting With Uncomfortable

The Importance of Small

by Rachel Latham The expectations are so high sometimes. For writers, it’s all about creating a platform and there is pressure to be in all of the places- Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.  Pressure to build a following, to create content that is strong enough to compete in a world pressed for time and attention. For… Continue reading The Importance of Small

The One Next Step

By Rachel Latham I have an idea of how my next article or blog post should be, and I am frustrated that the words seem slow to come. In my mind I can see what I want for the end result and fumble my way to get there. In fact, I could over-analyze so much,… Continue reading The One Next Step

I Had a Nightmare

By Rachel Latham I had a nightmare a few nights ago, the same one that had plagued my sleep for nearly 2 years. I hadn’t had it in so long, that it took me by surprise. I woke in the morning with a sense of dread and the feeling that at any moment life would… Continue reading I Had a Nightmare