Passing the Baton

by Jenny Harrison

One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.     Psalm 145:4  (NIV84)

He never thought this day would come and I thought it came all too quickly. But there we were, the two of us, sitting at the dining room table stuffing and sealing college graduation invitations. (I was actually doing most of the sealing, and my son was laughing because my tongue was getting drier with each swipe of the envelope).

In that instant, my mind flashed back to some precious moments in his life. I remember my son taking countless rides on his bike up and down the dirt road at our farm. He pedaled furiously; the breeze hitting his face. His extremely hyper, but lovable dog would run like the wind behind the bike, barking all the way. The two were quite a pair!  As I glanced across the room, I reminisced about his first day of kindergarten. It seems like yesterday he was standing in our living room with a new outfit, fresh hair cut, and a Batman backpack full of necessary supplies. He was ready to start school with the big kids!

Family has always been important to Daniel, and his relationship with his grandad was precious and meaningful. Grandad was his best friend in the whole world. Many hours were spent bonding and sharing as both would listen to the other for hours. Only my son knows the special talks they had through the years. Occasionally, they would look at each other and burst out laughing. I would inquire as to what was so funny and they would reply, “Oh it’s nothing!” I figured it was another one of their inside jokes.

Grandad was a true man of God and loved his Savior with all his heart. He was a gentle man who needed little fuss or praise from the world. He held his family, friends, and community in high regard and would make himself available to help in any way he could. He was humble, full of compassion, and cared more about the needs of others than his own. Many a good deed was carried out by him, and most people never knew his intention to lend a helping hand until the noble act was done. He slipped through the back door in a quiet and unassuming manner, calling no attention to himself. Over the years, I have watched my loving husband grow and mature into the the image of his father. With his own unique personality and God given talents he touches the lives of others. Often, he is unaware of the extent in which he blesses them. He is simply being God’s servant.

As I sat at the table with my son, I wondered if he realizes the similarities between himself and his father and grandfather. Is he fully aware of the honor, as well as the responsibility of his heritage?

Our Christian lives are much like a long distance relay race. It is impossible to run alone. Not only are we responsible for our leg of the race, we are responsible for preparing the next runner before handing off the baton.

My son has made the decision to go into a foreign, third world mission field after graduation. His plans are to stay for a year. He has prayed to God that he will be a help to the church in Central America. The baton has been successfully passed and received. The next leg of the race for the Lord begins! Praise be to God!  Needless to say, Mom and Dad are proud. I feel sure Grandad is smiling from above.

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.                  
Acts 20:24 (NIV84)

Copyright © 2012, Jenny Harrison, all rights reserved, Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Bible scripture taken from NIV84.

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