Casting Your Burdens

by Michelle Welch

There are days when I feel so crushed by the weight of the burdens I carry. Past, present, and future worries are all packed up neatly (okay, admittedly they are all jammed together in a pile) in my bag, sitting beside the bed where I dropped them when I fell into bed. Each night it seems that my prayers are only filled with begging for God to take my burdens from me. “Please take my cares and worries and wants and needs and selfishness and, and, and, ” I plead.

As I was sitting at my desk moving hundreds of pictures off my computer to my external hard drive (yes, you can fill up a laptop with too many pictures), a scene filled my screen. It was a picture of my son Lee as he was throwing a cast net off the pier in Onslow Beach, NC. In an instant the precious words of God washed over me.

“Cast your burden on the Lord (releasing the weight of it) and He will sustain you; He will never allow the (consistently) righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).”
Psalm 55:22 (AMP)

In the whispers of His Spirit I heard the answer I had been missing. It is not up to Him to TAKE my burdens…it is up to me to GIVE them to Him. Not only give them to Him, but throw them far from me, releasing me from their crushing weight. I also realized that not only does He accept my burdens, He WANTS them. In the New Testament, Peter reminds us again  to “cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:6-7 (NIV)

Dearest Father God, Thank You for showing me Your word today in a picture. Thank You for accepting the weight of all that I carry. I pray for all my sisters and brothers who need to gather up their burdens and cast them to You. In the Name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

Copyright © 2012, Michelle Welch. All Rights Reserved. Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Bible scripture taken from Amplified Version and New International Version.