Two Speeds

by Jenny Harrison

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27 (ESV)

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7 (ESV)

Sitting still has never been the easiest for this hyper child of Christ. My closest friends know this and stand by my side, showering me with encouragement. My husband is aware of my tendency, and in his wisdom and patience, he continues to love and nurture me. My Savior knows
me the best—recognizing my tendency to run on two speeds: fast forward and crash and burn!

Freida, Michelle, and Jenny at 2012 She Speaks Conference
Freida, Michelle, and Jenny at 2012 She Speaks Conference

When I finally followed God’s calling to start a women’s ministry, I had a burning desire to launch into public speaking. Sounded right to me! I love people and have a strong desire to serve. With encouragement from my husband and a couple of dear friends, I packed my bags and flew to Concord, North Carolina for the Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference. I was now on the speaker track.

It was at this conference that I met my “random” picked roommate and current Breath of Life team member, Michelle Welch. (God is so good!)

When I returned home, Breath of Life Women’s Ministries began to unfold. I was somewhat discouraged when only a few speaking engagements came my way, however. I felt my Lord nudging me to get still, quiet, and write.

“But Lord, this was not the plan. I am not a writer. Why in the world am I spending time writing when I should be speaking?” This was my attempt to save my Lord from some unnecessary steps and encourage Him to move forward with His plans for me. I was sure He had others who needed far more attention.

Again, I heard Him speak to me in my prayer time. “My child, for you to hear me, REALLY HEAR ME, I need for you to show obedience and become still and quiet.”

20130307_02The calling to write became a desire and was so strong, I signed up for the writers’ track and journeyed, once again, to North Carolina.

In Holley Gerth’s book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream, she writes: “Every dream or desire that comes from God is an invitation for more intimacy with Him”.

I have found these words to be true as my Savior holds my hand and leads me to that peaceful place of serenity and healing.

In this place between fast forward and crash and burn, my God is present to calm my fears, burdens, and rescue me from the snare of self-defeating messages.

My sisters, what is keeping you this day from the God-given peace that exceeds all our understanding? The peace that guards our hearts from fear and anxiety. What are the factors keeping you from intimacy with your Savior?

What is keeping you from your God-sized dream?


This article is dedicated to my loving husband, Dale and my two precious friends, Dennis and Kathy, who encouraged me to follow my God-sized dream. When I was insecure about the unfamiliar, you supported me through my fears. I will always be grateful.

Copyright © 2013, Jenny Harrison, all rights reserved, Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Bible scripture taken from English Standard Version.
Excerpt from You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream (page17).

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