Reclaiming Order In The Midst Of Chaos

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”
1 Corinthians 14:33

As we head into spring (for some it will be later rather than sooner), our thoughts turn to Spring Cleaning. Ok so some of us think of that. Alright then…..honestly we try to hide from it. If you are like many women, the thought of organizing makes you break out into a cold sweat and call to schedule a root canal. Especially if said organization involves children, children’s rooms, or anything remotely involving children. So we have put together a prize pack to make getting organized easier!

Our friend Glynnis Whitwer wrote an excellent book I Used To Be So Organized. “Finding order and peace is an ongoing process, because life keeps changing. We have children. We change jobs. We move. Our children grow. Our parent’s health fails. Our health changes. We get in an accident. Something is always happening to challenge us. That’s why staying stuck in old patterns of organizing just don’t work.” –Glynnis.

In our fast paced lives it is so easy to find ourselves floundering in chaos. We pray that this book will encourage you to implement the divine process of bringing peace into your lives. To help reward the children for their efforts we are also including a Veggie Tales DVD, Sumo Of The Opera, A Lesson In Perseverance. Lastly we have thrown in a gift card for Chick Fil A to reward the entire family for getting more organized!

To enter the drawing you can click here:

Click here to enter giveaway

…or visit the giveaway tab on our facebook page.

The contest lasts for 7 days and you can enter daily.

In this crazy do it right now world we live in, being organized can bring a feeling of peace and contentment that is so comforting.

Father God, we come before You humbly asking for Your mercy and guidance as we struggle to bring order to chaos. We seek Your peace in our homes and in our lives. We know that You are pleased with our efforts on Your behalf. Let us help each other by sharing what we have learned with those who need help. Thank You for our sisters and the love we have for each other. In Christ we pray, Amen

With much love,
Jenny, Freida, and Michelle

Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright 2001
Find more of Glynnis Whitwer’s books at
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