For the Hard Days

Message from Chassidy (founder and director of Hope Home Ministry)

Hope Home Ministry is a faith-based transitional home for teenage girls who have been incarcerated or who are struggling due to difficult circumstances in their family. Our heart is to show our girls the love of Christ and to teach them that through a relationship with Him they can break free of everything that holds them in bondage. Our residents live with us for 6 months to a year and work their way through a program that teaches them life skills and prepares them to live independently. They are all in different stages of growth and have different struggles but we see God working his way through their lives and we pray that they will grow to have a solid relationship with Him.

For the Hard Days

By Chassidy Carroll

20140602_01aMinistry is tough.

Some days we celebrate beautiful moments of triumph. Some days, it looks like every life we’ve invested in is marked for disaster.

It was on one of those particularly chaotic days recently that I let my soul sigh in dismay. What is the point of it all? Why strive to prompt change in lives that are held by such a death-grip of evil?

Then I heard this quiet voice, the only whisper that ever grabs the attention of my heart:

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV)

20140602_02aWhen chaos ensues and people disappoint us, we cling with all our might to the One who saves. Like firmly planted oaks we stand, our branches stretched out to provide shadows of hope to the broken, our roots reaching deep into the river of living water. Seeds of love planted will spring up as strong trees sown in faith, in their time.

Don’t give up, friends. Be encouraged. Your work is not in vain.

For more information about Hope Home Ministry please visit our web site and Facebook page:

Copyright © 2014, Chassidy Carroll, all rights reserved. Permission to print granted by C. Carroll, All rights reserved. Images from Pinterest. Scripture taken from New International Version Bible.