by Sarah Malcangi
Dearest Friend,
I know you are going through a hard time. I just want to take this moment and encourage you to embrace how you are feeling and not to bury it deep in your heart. Your heart is meant to experience things that your mind may try to avoid. Life is not fair sometimes and it is okay to admit that it is not what you expected. You may wonder and question God’s goodness and I want to affirm that God’s goodness is real. It often comes in forms that you are not use to. God cares for you deeply. I find there are times that we feel like David as we read the book of Psalms. We call out for help. God hears our desperate calls for mercy and comes to our aide.
Psalm 103:13-14 (NIV) says, “As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust”.
The Lord is our Father who can protect and guide us in every area of our life. There is no pit that he cannot rescue us from.
Corrie ten Boom once said, “There is no pit so deep, that God’s love is not deeper still”. I know she is right because God’s love for us is greater than any sorrow we may experience. His love for us has overcome all the pain we face. The Lord is someone who you can trust with your whole heart and not just pieces of it that you think are safe to give away. We can see evidence of the ways he is good by looking at what history tells us. He chose Israel who were a people that did not listen to the commands that God set in place. Yet God’s love and mercy remained because he chose them to be a great nation. They did not do anything to deserve it and you can’t either. He loves you simply because he chose you! Because of this truth we are able to rest in God’s presence because he provides peace during our toughest times.
Explaining God’s goodness and faithfulness is often seen as we look at pain and hurt in our own lives. My brother once asked me if God is so good then why is there suffering in the world? God’s plan was not to create suffering. He does allow suffering in order for his will to be accomplished. He could step in and prevent anything bad from happening but would we know just how good and loving he truly was if he was constantly stepping into our life like that? That would conflict with his gift to every human being…the gift of free will. If God was constantly taking over situations like this you would assume he was controlling and did not trust you with your own life. He has given humans the gift of choice.
Although you are experiencing pain right now just remember that God is good and he can be trusted. We have hope because as Christians we know that we have a forever home in heaven. What happens here on earth is painful but it is not the end. While we are living here God does promise to give us peace and hope. All you have to do is trust him. When you are tired and cannot imagine going on another day know that God is beside you giving you the strength you need to fight the battles you face.
“There are oases along the way. It would be a dreadful mistake to assume that our Beloved is only waiting for us at the end of the road. Our communion with him sustains us along our path.”
~~The Sacred Romance
For Sarah Malcangi, writing has been her passion ever since she could remember. Sarah grew up in a small farming town in Michigan and currently lives in Colorado and attends Colorado Christian University. Sarah has a heart for traveling and a love for people as well as music, sports, coffee, the mountains, and the ocean. Her desire is to share the love of Jesus Christ with the world.
Sarah shares that she was saved in her early 20′s which was a miracle all in itself. Read Sarah’s testimony at:
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Copyright © 2014, Sarah Malcangi, all rights reserved. My Letter to the Hurting was re posted by Breath of Life Women’s Ministries with permission from writer Sarah Malcangi. Scripture from Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.