Do Something

By Michelle Welch

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:18 ESV

Do Something by Matthew West

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It has been said so often it becomes a part of our regular conversation. “Somebody needs to do something about …..”.

I know you have said it. I have too.

Getting into the middle of the mess is…well, messy. It’s not like we don’t have enough going on in our own lives without having to drag everyone else’s issues into our lives. But when we dig deep into God’s Word we find that He has commanded us to get into the middle of the mess.

We are not called just to love. We must show love.
We are not called just to think. We must speak.
We are not called to just study. We are called to act.
What has God called you to do?


Copyright © 2015, Michelle Welch, all rights reserved, Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Images from Pinterest. Scripture from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version.

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