By Dennis Ensor
Dennis Ensor has been one of our guest contributors through the years. His life took a pretty dramatic turn about a year ago when it was discovered he had a deadly brain tumor. What would seem like a tragedy for most people has turned into a mission of pure joy for Dennis as he tells of his journey with God and shares the unspeakable joy which he has experienced from the beginning. The following is his most recent inspirational offering:
Through the years I’ve noticed that my best time for reflective writing is late at night. It is a time when I can get still and all the hustle and bustle of the world just seems to softly settle at my feet. At that moment I can quietly take stock of my life and the many obstacles that I’ve encountered. In the background I can hear all the noises of the night, though I’m convinced that many of those noises exist only in my head, as blood makes its way through the veins in my brain. It seems like there is wave after wave of white noise passing through my mind, and my soul feels drenched in peace and quiet.
Tonight is just such a night. I’ve been reflecting on this past year’s journey through this brain cancer adventure. Though I cannot logically explain why, I have truly loved my life this year, the way it has unfolded since that fateful day of discovery.
I can’t help but think that all the obstacles that have been in my path are like the deep wrinkles that put so much character into the portrait of an old cowboy or Indian painting. Those wrinkles bring a deep warmth and authenticity to the painting. They testify of a life of great adversity, intense struggles, and rugged perseverance.
I have felt no burden from the cancer, but only an opportunity to fly in spite of it–to soar above the clouds of doubt–to look deep into the eyes of God and to say, “Glory to your name oh mighty one!
I feel nothing but blessed, reveling in his unspeakable gift. Why, oh God, did you pick me upon which to bestow such a great gift? What did I do to deserve such great joy? I did nothing. I am completely unworthy, but you blessed me anyway. All I can offer to you is my gratitude and my praise to your name for your great mercy and kindness. And I pray that you will let me be a vessel who brings spiritual food to the hungry, living water to the thirsty, and unspeakable joy to the downtrodden.
Thank you God for blessing me so. In Christ’s holy name I pray. Amen.
If you are interested in learning more about Dennis journey, he would love to connect with you at
Article reprinted on Breath of Life Women’s Ministries with permission of the author. All rights reserved.