Hope Home Ministry

by Chassidy Carroll

Compassion, heart, and character would be a few words I would use to describe Miss Chassidy Carroll.  It is amazing to see what can be done when one person steps out with courage and says YES! to God. Chassidy’s love and obedience to a calling has been life-changing for several women who only knew hopelessness. We want to thank you for your  willingness to share your insight and heart with the Breath of Life Women’s Ministries readers. Prepare to be inspired.
In Christ,
Jenny Harrison

Chassidy’s call to serve:

20130605_01My plans for my life after college unraveled quickly when God overwhelmed my heart with a burden for young women who are incarcerated in our community. The year I graduated from Howard Payne, He gave me the unexpected opportunity to help open and run a faith-based transitional home for teenage girls. Now, five years later, I can look back in awe of His plan and the work he has done. Serving in this ministry has been a beautiful, life- changing experience. It breaks my heart and fills me with joy at the same time. It means pouring out love over abused and neglected hearts until they see themselves the way Jesus sees them. It is the chance to hold out the hand of life to someone who feels worthless and to look with hope into eyes that are darkened in defeat. It means drowning out the ugly voice of shame with the truth of God’s word. It means being the hands and feet of Jesus to those who desperately need him. It means looking death in the face and believing that the curse stops here, in my home. It means knowing that despite the disappointments and all the times I fail the task at hand, God’s grace is enough. His love is greater than the pain, the problems and the addictions we deal with on a daily basis. His power to save overwhelms the plans of the enemy in each life he entrusts us with. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for the years to come.

Insight from Chassidy:

20130605_02Sometimes when I’m cleaning out my car I look at its not-so-well-preserved interior in dismay. Today that happened and then I started thinking about how that little machine has hauled around 19 teenage girls, me, my siblings, and a few babies over the past few years. I laughed about funny memories that caused some of the stains. I thought about how the seats are frazzled from the wear and tear of girls getting in and out as they looked for jobs, got jobs, and bettered their lives instead of giving up. I thought about all the (terrifying!) driving lessons that car has seen us through. I thought about all the heavy backpacks that have been slung into the seats – backpacks of girls who’d been told they’d never make it, backpacks of girls who were finishing high school or going to college against the odds. Then I thought – well done, little car – I’m glad you look like this, keep up the good work!

About Hope Home Ministry:

(l-r) Brandi Wright, staff member and Chassidy Carroll of Hope Home Ministry.

Hope Home Ministry is a faith based transitional home for young women ages 16-21 who have been in juvenile facilities in Texas. We are located in Brownwood, Texas. Most of our girls have grown up in chaotic and abusive environments and have known nothing but violence, poverty and addiction. Our heart is to help them come to know Christ and to have transformed lives through his love. We work to teach them that they are valuable and to help them reach their goals. In the home, the girls receive counseling, learn life-skills and spend time mentors who invest in their lives. During the past five years we have served 20 young women in our program. We continue to provide aftercare services for many of our former residents. Several of our girls have graduated high school, started college, or are accomplishing other goals. We are proud of them and continue to be blessed by the way God moves in their lives. For more information about this ministry, please visit our website:

Copyright © 2013, Chassidy Carroll, all rights reserved. Photographs posted with permission of Hope Home Ministry.