Yep, I’m Going to Counseling

We are honored that Holley Gerth, author and cofounder of (in)courage, graciously accepted our invitation to share her thoughts on the importance of reaching out in times of need. Thank you Holley for your ongoing ministry dedicated to healing hearts and strengthening relationships with Christ.

Yep, I’m Going to Counseling

By Holley Gerth

I lean forward on the comfy couch and share what’s been going on in my heart with my counselor. She nods and listens carefully. She takes notes and asks insightful questions. “You’ve had a lot of change in your life over the last few years, haven’t you?” “Yes,” I respond, “Some parts are really wonderful…and some are really hard. And I need help.”

20140629_01aYears ago I wouldn’t have been able to admit that so freely. But now I know this: asking for help is not a sign of weakness…it’s a sign of true strength. It’s much easier to hide than to face our struggles. It’s much safer to say “I’m fine” than to share “I’m having a hard day.” It’s much simpler to think, “Oh, that will go away with time” than to wrestle through to the truth that will set us free.

I will never try to convince you I have it all together because I don’t. And if you think I do, it’s time you dropped that illusion like a hot potato. I’m an ordinary girl with an extraordinary God. I’m a beautiful mess. I’m an imperfect-in progress person just like you. And know what? I’m not crazy. But I do serve a God who is crazy about me. I will never fully understand that this side of heaven but I’m thankful every single day that’s true–especially when I’m sitting on the counseling couch.

Sometimes it’s through the cracks in our hearts that God’s love shines through the brightest. No one needs to see you gritting your teeth and trying to hold it together. You might just be shutting in the light God wants to come bursting forth from your brokenness.

Let’s be brave, together, sisters. Brave enough to say, “It’s time I went to counseling” {you can find a counselor near you at}. Or you can tell a dear friend or talk to your pastor. And if you’re not sure who you should ask to help you yet, ask God to send someone to you {it’s not me–you need someone in your face-to-face life, okay?}.

Here’s the dealio: When I refuse to ask for help it can feel super spiritual but it’s really just pride and fear. Yep. And those two aren’t taking anyone anywhere worth going. So tell them “Get outta here” and grab the hand of someone who loves you instead. Only you can take responsibility for your life, your hurts and your growth. We can do this with Jesus and each other, girl.

By the time I get up off the comfy couch my heart feels lighter. I let out a big sigh of relief. Whew.

And I know two things for sure: I’m moving forward…and I’ll be back.


Holley Gerth

20140629_02aHolley Gerth is an award-winning writer, licensed counselor, certified life coach, and speaker. She is cofounder of (in)courage, an online destination for women, which received more than one million page views in its first six months. She also reaches out to readers through her popular blog, Heart to Heart with Holley, and through her partnership with Day Spring, a subsidiary of Hallmark. Holley lives in the South with her husband, Mark.

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This article was posted with written permission from the author, Holley Gerth. All rights reserved.