Faith To See In New Ways

Michelle recently started working with a great ministry called Single Matters. Started by Jill Monaco, a wonderful friend, it is a ministry specifically for those who find themselves in a single season of their life, be it never married, divorced, or widowed. Please share this wonderful Christian ministry with anyone in your life who can use a community of fellow travelers. You can also find them on Facebook at

by Michelle Welch

In His hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are His also. The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land.
(Psalms 95:4-5)

Photo courtesy of Camera Eye Photography via Flickr

Recently some friends and I went on a road trip. Before we left, one friend told me the other friend had only been outside her hometown twice in her life. As both of us are from military families, it was something we had trouble wrapping our minds around. Between us we had visited over 30 states and six foreign countries. (This year alone I have driven from coast to coast and sailed the Caribbean.)

As we set out on our journey, it soon became apparent that every mile brought a new, exciting discovery for my new friend. What struck me the most was the joy that was evident at the simplest of things. The Mississippi River, an amusement park, historic landmark signs, the skyscrapers of Atlanta, the New Orleans airport where we ate at the end of the runway so she could watch planes taking off and land, all brought squeals of discovery along with a flurry of picture taking.

One thing she had desired to see more than anything were mountains. I assured her that I could rearrange our trip to take us through the Blue Ridge Mountains. As the miles slipped by I found myself eagerly seeking out things to show her, often going out of our way to let her view landscapes that had long ago become mundane to me. When we finally reached the north Georgia hills, the amazement in her eyes was well worth the detour.

After we parted ways, I still had quite a few hours of driving left. As the miles slipped by, I realized that I had let the beauty of God’s creations slip into the mundane area of my mind. I had ceased to see the glory that is the world we live in. it was just another place to live, another road to drive down, another city to change planes in. Life had become a series of events instead of a journey full of wonderful adventures.

How often do we cruise past everything that our Abba has created for us at breakneck speed? When was the last time you sat and pondered a beautiful mountain range or the waves breaking on the shore? Or even the beauty that surrounds you right in your own backyard? Has your life become such that the miles and days slip by without you even noticing the blessings He created specifically for you?

In Revelation 4:11, the apostle John reminds us: “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” As I sat at my table this morning it occurred to me that by not taking the time to notice all that He created, I am missing the opportunity to give Him the glory He is due.

I also realized that when I take for granted this world that I live in, I am letting discipleship opportunities slip through my fingers. There is no better place for us to share the Word of God with someone than when we are surrounded by all that He created just for us. For there is a peace that comes into your soul when you sit at the foot of a waterfall, or let the ocean tickle your toes, or sit out on your porch pondering the beauty of a sunrise with a friend.

Take time today to notice.

Take time today to ponder.

Take time today to honor God.

There is so much beauty in our world. Don’t miss out on a single chance to see it. God created it just for you.


©2014MichelleWelch, Breath Of Life Women’s Ministries
Originally published in Single Matters on August 25, 2014

1 comment

  1. This reminded me of the first time I took a youth group from the hill country of Texas to the mountains of Colorado. We were there on a backpacking trip. I received as much joy from seeing their reactions as they did from seeing God’s magnificent creation. Thanks for a great post.

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