
FallLive each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. ~~ Henry David Thoreau

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Reflecting on the name of this ministry, Breath of Life, and the scripture from Acts 17:24-25, nothing seemed to be a more appropriate reminder of God’s perfect timing and magnificent grace than the four seasons. “He giveth to all life, breath, and all things” and yet the inspiring beauty of each season can take your breath away. The seasons are the perfect reminder that life is an ongoing journey, rather than a destination. In our fast-paced lives as wives, mothers, friends, employees, and church activities, it is easy to forget that gratification comes in doing, not merely in finishing.

The journey, like the physical cycles of the year are filled with joy, harmony, birth, death, spiritual rebirth, change, and growth—growth that comes through perseverance, trust, and faith. Ultimately it reminds us of God’s perfect plan and His control, even in a world when life appears out of control. A dear friend of mine so beautifully prayed “Precious God, it is all bigger than me but nothing is bigger than You.” I particularly become aware of this when I admire and am humbled by the marvelous gift of the seasons.

At Breath of Life we are real women ministering to real women..

Our message You are never alone! You are a cherished child of God!

Our mission is to stand in the gap for the weary through prayer and bring comfort through written and spoken inspirations.

Our hope is to strengthen personal relationships with Christ as women claim, and use their God-given gifts and talents.

In Christ,

Jenny Harrison

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