I Need A Silent Night

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”
Galatians 6:9 (NLT)


Amy Grant sings a beautiful song called “I Need A Silent Night”.

Below are the lyrics which I think is all that needs to be said about the hustle and bustle before Christmas.

I’ve made the same mistake before
Too many malls, too many stores
December traffic, Christmas rush
It breaks me till I push and shove

Children are crying while mothers are trying
To photograph Santa and sleigh
The shopping and buying and standing forever in line
What can I say?

I need a silent night, a holy night
To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise
I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here
To end this crazy day with a silent night.

December comes then disappears
Faster and faster every year
Did my own mother keep this pace
Or was the world a different place?

Where people stayed home wishing for snow
Watching three channels on their TV
Look at us now rushing around
Trying to buy Christmas peace.

I need a silent night, a holy night
To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise
I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here
To end this crazy day with a silent night

What was it like back there in Bethlehem
With peace on earth, good will toward men?

Every shepherd’s out in the field
Keeping watch over their clock by night
And the glory of the Lord shone around them
And they were so afraid.

And the angels said fear not for behold
I bring you good news of a great joy that shall be for all people
For unto you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord
And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace.

I need a silent night, a holy night
To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise
I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here
To end this crazy day with a silent night
To end this crazy day with a silent night.

Dear Holy Father in Heaven, we humbly come to You this Christmas season requesting calm in the chaos, perspective in the midst of our noisy world, and a heart of gratitude and joy as we focus on the true meaning of Christmas–the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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As 2014 winds down, we want to the the opportunity to thank you, our readers, for allowing us into your lives. As always it is our pleasure to serve. Merry Christmas and may God Bless you abundantly.

In Him,

Jenny, Michelle, Freida, and Ingrid

Scripture from the New Language Translation. Image from Pinterest.