Paper Towel Philosophy

Scattered Seeds….
Scattered seeds are small gifts of agape to our readers between weekly inspirations. These “seeds” could be a picture, a song, a heartfelt sentiment, a quote, a recipe, or updates about team events. Our hope is to brighten your day with a ray of sunshine.

by Freida Harrison

As I was taking the outside wrapper off the roll of Bounty paper towels, I noticed there were cute little flowers on them. I thought I had purchased solid white, but the flowers were nice, and then I saw words! Yes words! How I love words! But on paper towels? Turning the paper towels to be able to read, this is what I found:

“The flowers of all tomorrows
are the seeds of today.”

Wow! How true literally AND figuratively! What a profound statement—and there it was on a paper towel. I would love to know the name of the person who penned those words of wisdom to be able to give them the credit they deserve.

Thank you God for your wonderful seeds of wisdom planted in such unexpected places!

What seeds are you sowing today and what will they reap tomorrow?

Copyright © 2012, Freida Harrison, All Rights Reserved. Breath of Life Women’s Ministries.  Quote taken from Bounty Paper Towels.

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