Not Today

by Jenny Harrison

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6 (NIV84)

As I sat in my living room with our one-month-old son in my arms, I felt my heart melting as I adored his sweet face, tiny fingers, and toes. Daniel slept peacefully, and I experienced a love that I never imagined.

While rocking, my mind started to fast forward. The full extent of our responsibility to this child began to sink in. I thought about the years ahead of us and the physical and emotional dependence this child would have on my husband and me.

I realized this precious bundle of joy would not be small forever. Within a few minutes, I went from my calm frame of mind to nervousness about his future. I felt inadequate and unprepared.

One day, while visiting my mother-in-law, I shared my overwhelming concerns. My eyes began to fill with tears.

With a smile on her face and a gentle and reassuring voice she replied, “It is a good thing you don’t have to do all these things today.”

It has been twenty-five years since that conversation, and I can still hear my mother-in-law’s soothing words of wisdom. Even now, her simple but profound statement rings true.

Dear sweet Hallie, you were a true woman of God. Your influence will live throughout the generations. I could not have hand picked a better mother-in-law.

Hallie Marie Harrison
August 24, 1919
August 7, 2012

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