Winter’s Pond

The following inspiration and poem was submitted by one of our Breath of Life Women’s Ministries subscribers, Beth Farley.

Beth currently resides in Kansas City, Missouri. We have not had the pleasure of meeting Beth, but as I have communicated with her through email and phone calls, I am impressed with her compassion and willingness to serve our Lord.

Thank you Jesus for allowing our paths to cross through Your ministry.

In Christ,

by Beth Farley

The Earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For He laid the Earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.
Psalm 24:1-2 (NLT)

01102013_01aWhile living on my farm, my father and mother replaced some broken windows in my house as a gift. Given the option of replacing three windows or putting in sliding doors in the bedroom, I chose the sliding doors with a small wooden deck that seats one little chair. Weather permitting, the chair calls me to sit and write each day. Today, I am writing this poem while admiring the beauty of God’s blessings. His touch is perfect and makes me think of my own spiritual walk. In every season I am beautiful in God’s eyes. On the days I am cold, crisp, and ugly, I am still beautiful to Him. With all of my imperfections, God holds on to me as He holds on to everyone.

Winter’s Pond

by Beth Farley

Snowdrops dance
As I look beyond
The glistening field
At the crisp, white pond.

The geese take rest
As they settle below;
The island of trees
Their shield from snow.

Water ripples become so still
As they begin to freeze.
They will soon be ice
Unmovable by the breeze.

For every season holds her beauty
For this I often say,
But today she’s so peacefully still
On this cold, crisp, winter day.

Copyright © 2012, Beth Farley, all rights reserved, Bible scripture taken from NLT.

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