Book Give-away!

02272013_01We are blessed to hear from our friend Julie Gillies this morning as she talks about why she wrote the book Prayers For A Woman’s Soul. In addition, one subscriber to our webpage ( will win a copy of Julie’s wonderful book. We are so excited that we can share Julie’s journey with you.

“I’ll never forget walking from the bedroom toward the bathroom that day many years ago, when I first sensed God prompting me to begin praying—for myself. I got the distinct impression that if I did not begin seriously and regularly praying for myself, I wasn’t going to make it.
So, I started. Not because I was a holy woman, but because I was a desperate woman.
Desperate for my miserable marriage to change. Desperate for the wounds in my soul to stop throbbing. Desperate to feel loved. Desperate to be a good mom with a good attitude. Desperate to actually feel joyful.
Can you relate?
I needed to know how much God loved me. I needed to experience His healing, His joy, and be equipped with His strength and peace while I walked through life’s hard places. And all of that began happening when I made the commitment to regularly pray for myself.
So you see, I didn’t write Prayers for a Woman’s Soul because I’m an impressive theologian with several letters after my name.  I wrote it because I was a desperate woman with real problems, real issues holding me back, and real desire to experience more of the freedom and healing I kept reading about in the Bible.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and could use a soul-changing boost, or even if you’re life is so crazy-busy you simply never thought to take time to pray for yourself, I’d like to invite you to indulge in Prayers for a Woman’s Soul.

Because praying for myself not only helped me, it transformed me. And I’d love to accompany you through this 52-week devotional.”—Julie Gillies

You can read more of Julie’s story at We encourage you to subscribe to her blog where you will receive regular posts about the power of prayer. There is even a link for a free 5 day Extravagant Prayer Devotion to help you develop the habit of praying for yourself along with all your other requests. And don’t forget to add yourself to our email list for your chance to win a copy of Prayers For A Woman’s Soul

You can find information about Julie’s book at

It is available for purchase through

It is also available from Amazon books.

Julie Gillies is the author of Prayers for a Woman’s Soul (Harvest House Publishers). Healed from a traumatic childhood and awed that God saved her seriously troubled marriage, her message helps women pray with boldness, confidence, and the certainty that God hears. Julie is the Critique Groups Director for Proverbs 31 Ministries, and serves on the editorial team of P31 Woman magazine. She’s the joyful wife of Keith, mom of two soldiers and one civilian, and Grammy of four. She loves hanging out with the entire gang at home, especially on days when her house is clean. Find FREE resources and connect with Julie at:

Copyright © 2013 Breath Of Life  Women’s Ministries

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