Spiritual Gardening

by Jenny Harrison

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.  
John 15:2 (NIV84)

02282013_01aPruning: to rid or clear of anything superfluous (unnecessary) or undesirable.

Recently, I decided to lose some weight. Truthfully, the plan was in place two years ago but time passed and those pesky pounds plus a few extra were still with me. I know I would feel better about myself if I lost the weight, but I am also aware of the health benefits and the history of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes in my family. That being said, I desire to live a long life — spend time with my husband, enjoy grandchildren (someday), and travel.

Determined, I made an appointment with a doctor and nutritionist to help me stay on track. This transformation will not be easy. My healthy habits cannot be temporary. They must total lifestyle changes. I must choose to evaluate my undesirable patterns of eating and replace them.

02282013_02While trimming excess and decreasing toxins in our diet is critical to our physical health, emotional and spiritual cleansing  is also imperative to our well being. Like the first, enduring the process is not always met with a willing spirit. I am not necessarily pleased with my excess internal baggage, but I have grown accustomed to carrying it. Pruning the unnecessary and the undesirable from my  attitude and my heart can be painful. However, only through this process of removing the unproductive am I able to shed the weight of oppression and live the promised life of abundance promised in your word–

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
2 Peter 1:2 (NIV84)

Heavenly Father, please give me the courage to allow you to mold  and shape me. You are my guardian and protector. You do not desire for me to live a life of burden and distress and yet I become weary and lifeless when I insist on using my energies on anything other than moving toward your magnificent plan for my life.
In your precious name I pray, Amen.

Copyright © 2013, Jenny Harrison, all rights reserved, Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Definition from dictionary.com Bible scripture taken from New International Version 84.

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