
Today’s post is from Chassidy Carroll, one of our guest writers and founder of Hope Home Ministry in Brownwood,Texas. God is working in a mighty way in the hearts of young women at Hope Home. Thank you Chassidy for your selfless work of heart. You are making a difference.

Message from Chassidy:

Hope Home Ministry is a faith-based transitional home for teenage girls who have been incarcerated or who are struggling due to difficult circumstances in their family. Our heart is to show our girls the love of Christ and to teach them that through a relationship with Him they can break free of everything that holds them in bondage. Our residents live with us for 6 months to a year and work their way through a program that teaches them life skills and prepares them to live independently. Right now we have three girls in the home and they are all doing very well. They are all in different stages of growth and have different struggles but we see God working his way through their lives and we pray that they will grow to have a solid relationship with Him.


By Chassidy Carroll

20131118_01a“I really had to pray hard before I took that shot this morning,” she said.

A full minute passed in legitimate confusion before realization hit and a laugh escaped even as tears filled my eyes. One of my babies who, bless her heart, had hardly been in church a day in her life – was referring to the communion we had taken at church that morning. To her, the little plastic cups of grape juice that were passed out with great reverence could only be compared to actual shot glasses used for alcohol.

Growing up with an alcoholic father and an absent, drug-addicted mother, she’d experienced everything but communion. Until now. Until this tiny representation of the precious blood of Jesus touched her lips.

20131118_02She had to pray hard before she took it, because Jesus had moved her heart, months ago. She knew the weight of his grace. She understood the price he had paid. And though she doesn’t know how to put it into words, the blood that fills this little shot glass is changing her. It is teaching her to love. It fills her with hope. It covers over dark nights and neglect and shame and abuse. It means that He’s going to do something absolutely beautiful with her life. It means she can break the cycle. It means she is free.

For more information about Hope Home Ministry please visit our web site and Facebook page:

Copyright © 2013, Chassidy Carroll, all rights reserved. Permission to print granted by C. Carroll, Hope Home Ministry. Photography curtesy of Hope Home Ministry. All rights reserved.

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