Thanksgiving Message From Jenny

Greetings precious ones!

Daniel, Ingrid, Jenny, and a Dale
Daniel, Ingrid, Jenny, and a Dale

In lieu of a long, drawn out, and somewhat obvious list of Thanksgiving blessings, Michelle, Freida, and I decided to reach out to our subscribers and Facebook family and share some personal thoughts about life, our Lord, and our purpose.

Many have inquired about my motivation in creating Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Well friends, my sincere response is this:

As I reminisce on the early years in my life, I recall countless individuals extending a helping hand toward me at a time when my choices were destructive and the path I contemplated could be described as the “road to nowhere.” Praise God, they saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself, and I saw Christ in their eyes and actions.

Being on the receiving end of unconditional love was powerful and changed my hardened heart. I made a promise to myself and to my Savior that the very least I could do is pass these acts of kindness forward and spread the Good News!

Breath of Life Women’s Ministries is a small offering and humble response to the love graciously bestowed upon me.

Thoughts and sentiments: (in no particular order)

  1. In my opinion, waterfalls are the one of God’s most splendid creations. I could sit and stare at one for hours.
  2. One of my favorite quotes is by James Keller. “A candle looses nothing by lighting another candle.”
  3. I love the smell and taste of pumpkin and tend to catch “pumpkin fever” during the holidays.
  4. Sunset from Jenny's front porch
    Sunset from Jenny’s front porch

    Some of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen have been from my front porch.

  5. I have been described by those who are close to me as a thinker, tenacious, and a giver.
  6. Galatians 5:13-14 is one of my favorite scriptures.
  7. I am impressed by those who are blessed with much and remain unpretentious and humble, demonstrating a servant’s heart.
  8. In September, I celebrated my 29th wedding anniversary with my best friend.
  9. I am grateful for the abundance of “second chances” given to me, even when I did not deserve them.
  10. When external chaos and inner turmoil overwhelm me, I imagine the day I will gaze deep into the eyes of my Lord and Savior. This gives me the courage to carry on.
  11. Jenny's son and daughter-in law, Daniel and Ingrid
    Jenny’s son and daughter-in law, Daniel and Ingrid

    I pray each day that we are soon reunited with our daughter-in-law. My only son, Daniel, spent a year in Honduras involved in mission work. While there, he met and married the most amazing, Christian woman. She is beautiful inside and out. Waiting for the completion of the immigration process has been emotionally difficult, but we know that God is in charge and faithful.

And finally #12… I believe one of my purposes on this earth is, to the best of my ability, lighten the burdens of my fellow brothers and sisters.

So, as the holiday season approaches, I encourage you to consider the “second chances” and kindnesses you have received in your life then prayerfully consider ways to pass these blessings forward.

May God richly bless each and every one of you.

In Him,

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