Thanksgiving Message From Michelle

20131125_01aAs Jenny said yesterday, we wanted to share a more personal side of ourselves this week instead of a list of blessings. If you missed yesterday’s blog please take a moment to catch up. Don’t forget that tomorrow you will get to meet Freida as well. It is our most sincere desire that you know that we are real women ministering to real women. We want to walk beside you, holding your hand and sharing life together.

I am Michelle Welch. The newest Christian of the group, I have been in awe of God’s mighty hand in our ministry from the day He placed me in a room with a complete stranger named Jenny at a conference far from home. From those first moments of coffee fueled chaos and laughter came two friendships that have changed my life forever.

20131125_02aMy most favorite scripture for as long as I can remember is “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 KJV. Even when I walked in darkness and sin, I always found comfort in these words. When the chaos of my life threatens to drown me, I turn immediately to this verse for strength.


Ten random thoughts in no particular order (as Jenny puts it!)

  • My favorite color and flavor is orange to include orange creamsicles, orange soda, and navel oranges.
  • I love all kinds of music and given the chance will attend any and all concerts in my area. I once used an entire paycheck to see Josh Groban. (yes it was worth it!)
  • I attended 11 schools to include 5 different high school. (we moved a lot)
  • Cooking relaxes me. The more people I can cook for the happier I am. I once made soup for 150 people every day for 7 days.
  • We have 10 children and 10 grandchildren. I travel around the country driving my truck and fifth wheel visiting grandchildren when my husband is flying offshore jobs.
  • I find it relaxing to grocery shop, I hate making lists, and I am a terrible housekeeper.
  • I drink waaaaayyyyyyy too much coffee and always bring my personal Keurig when I travel.
  • I have a gypsy soul. I once walked the streets of Tehran, Iran and I have driven across the United States 6 times.
  • I collect nativity scenes from other countries with my favorite being the native American Indian ones.
  • I am a Veggie Tale fanatic. I use my grandchildren as an excuse to buy every DVD that comes out and have taken them to see Veggie Tales Live when they were too young to understand but I had a blast!!! (I know…sad)

20131125_03aI pray daily for each and every one of you. I might not ever get to meet you but your life, your needs, your precious friendships are always on my heart. Because the first half of my life was filled with sin and brokenness, it is my deepest desire to help other women overcome their past. I don’t want to just tell you how to find Christ, I want to show you, walk with you, sit beside you, and pray with you. This Thanksgiving season I am especially grateful for those that never gave up on me. I pray that I may do for you what others did for me…..never give up, always show the love of Christ, and see past the actions to the true heart that Christ sees inside.

In Christ,

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