Thanksgiving Message From Freida

I am Freida Harrison, the oldest of the group, but not necessarily the wisest! It is an honor to be called “friend” by Jenny and Michelle—two sweet ladies with wonderful hearts who love our Savior and radiate a beautiful light for Him. Our journey has been an amazing one. God has blessed us beyond words with this exciting ministry of reaching out to others with encouragement and faith.

Personal tidbits about me:

  • My precious ones!
    My precious ones!

    My husband (of 40 years) and I have five wonderful grandchildren who I refer to as the “precious ones.” Their sweet faces can brighten even the darkest of days!

  • The best “job” I’ve ever had was being a stay-at-home mom for our two children when they were young. Happy memories!
  • There is a special place that is very dear to my heart where I can see beautiful flowing water, listen to it’s bubbling melody, and my soul is replenished.
  • Words fascinate me—people fascinate me too!
  • God has blessed me with treasured friends—some who have known me a very long time. I am a better person because of them, and I love them dearly.
  • My favorite books of the Bible are Psalms, Ephesians, and John.
  • My favorite color is pink. I’ve always liked the color, but it is especially endearing to me as my mother has been a breast cancer survivor for eleven years.
  • What I miss most about being a retired teacher is the children.
  • For me, a warm, glowing fire in the fireplace on a cold, cloudy day (or night) is one of life’s greatest treats.
  • Music, especially Christian music, lifts my spirits and makes me happy. And yes, I sing along!
  • Female Monarch Butterfly.
    Female Monarch Butterfly.

    Raising Monarch butterflies has brought an abundance of joy to my life! Watching God’s amazing workmanship is so exciting, but getting to watch it through the eyes of children has made it even more exciting!

Thank you so much for encouraging us by reading our inspirations. This ministry brings much joy to my life, and I pray that God is pleased with our works of heart. Our prayers are with each one of you—whether you are subscribers, or readers on our website and Facebook page. You are a blessing to us.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving from my heart to yours!

Praising Him,

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