
by Jenny Harrison

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

20140310_01aThose who know me best, know that I am directionally challenged. It has been said, “Jenny would have difficulty finding her way out of a phone booth with arrows.” Sadly, I cannot argue this point as it is an  accurate description of my obvious deficiency.

Several months ago, I ventured to the Dallas/Fort Worth area for a conference. With my final destination programmed into my smart phone, I was feeling a significant amount of confidence.

All was well until I entered into a heavy construction zone during rush hour traffic. Soon, I became aware that my GPS system did not receive the memo that most exits in the area were closed due to road work.

Construction, rush hour traffic, eighteen wheelers, unfamiliar territory, insufficient directions, and a flustered, dyslexic driver at the wheel make a SCARY combination!

And then came the all too familiar and dreaded word from my phone—recalculating! Not once, but over and over again due to construction in all directions and as far as the eye could see. I felt like I was driving in complete circles.

A call came through, and I heard Michelle’s sweet voice on the other end—“I’m at the hotel. Where are you sis?”

Allow me to take a moment to say that I am grateful that my ministry sisters, Freida and Michelle, are proficient in their comprehension of blubbering and babbling because at this point, I was having difficulty stringing a coherent sentence together.

When I finally found a suitable place to park and regroup, I called Michelle. She looked at the map and confirmed that I was indeed traveling in a circle, but thankfully, I was not far from the hotel. Her kind, loving voice and quirky sense of humor were welcomed to say the least. She guided me safely to my destination.

When I pulled into the hotel parking lot, I was greeted by Michelle’s huge smile. Both arms were above her head and her hands were waving wildly. Seconds after I bolted from my car, I felt her arms around me in a big bear hug.

20140310_02aAs I reflect on this day, I find comfort that my Heavenly Father has the same response as my dear sister in Christ. I am relieved He doesn’t beat me up emotionally like I sometimes do to myself when I lose my way and find myself going in circles versus the straight path He lays out for me.

Unlike the world, my Father has never told me I had to be good enough, strong enough, or brave enough. I don’t even have to know North from South. However, He does ask me to empty myself of my pride and lean on Him. It is the only way He can use me.

When I lose focus and attempt to blaze my own trail, He reminds me it is time to slow down, regroup, and recalculate. When I see His loving face, my Father responds with enthusiasm and always scoops me up into His loving arms.

I am not given what I deserve but handed an unlimited supply of Grace, and all I can muster through my blubbering sobs is a heartfelt thank you to my Father for rescuing me once again.

Copyright © 2014, Jenny Harrison, all rights reserved, Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Images from Pinterest and Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Scripture from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version.

Categorized as Jenny