She Looked Right Through Me

by Michelle Welch

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
1 Peter 3:3-5 NIV

20140319_01Traveling can be a very interesting experience. There is so much to do to get ready, so much preparation for just getting to the gate at the airline. Gone are the days of throwing everything into a backpack and running for the airplane at the last minute. Everything that goes into the bag has to be scrutinized, eliminating the possibility of being accused of trying to overpower the captain with an electric toothbrush. Shoes have to be removed, so there is a need to make sure that clean socks are worn or that a fresh pedicure sparkles on the toes.

In line at the airport, I always wrestle to get my laptop out of the bag, my 3-1-1 baggie, my license back into my wallet, my phone out of my pocket, and keep unmentionables from falling out of my carry-on bag. Then I have to put it all back together while getting my shoes back on. I’ve learned to have no big jewelry, no big metal hair clips, no fancy cowgirl belts, no food of any kind. Did you know that a really expensive jar of salsa that I bought from a quaint little shop is now considered a terrorist threat? Seriously! Last I knew, there weren’t a lot of planes being brought down by chips and salsa. But who am I to question?

20140319_02That day I had been running late, as usual, getting to the airport. My attire was blue jeans, a ratty old red pullover sweater, my daughter’s backpack, and a well-worn Disney World duffel bag that I love but looks like something an eight-year-old would drag along behind them. I was not wearing makeup or jewelry, and my hair was rather wild looking, having been brushed with a dog brush at the last minute. As I made my way to the gate area, I noticed how differently I was being treated—rather rudely by some people.

A well-dressed woman in front of me was given first class treatment before she even opened her mouth. When I stepped up to the counter, the lady gave me a quick glance, dismissed me with her eyes, and in an abrupt tone asked what I needed! Are we that shallow in our society? Is it that important that I be materialistically (is that a word?) beautiful to be shown respect? I was polite and soft-spoken when I requested an upgrade, and she looked at me like I had grown two heads. She said none were available. I told her that I was looking at the upgrade list on my iPhone, and would she please pull up my member number? Her expression changed immediately, and her demeanor became very apologetic. Despite the respect I lost for her at that moment, I continued to be polite. A woman treating a sister like that just because I didn’t look like I was “somebody” made me very sad.

20140319_03I am glad that I am a somebody. I am glad that my Father looks at me every day and sees the inner beauty and the strength that my faith gives me. I am glad that I can look in the mirror, and see a woman who is of great worth in the eyes of the only One who matters. Sisters, always remember that it does not matter how we look on the outside. We are all a somebody. The woman you look past today may be the angel you need tomorrow. I pray that I never consider outward adornment the worth of another sister. Our Abba has said that we will all be made perfect when we reach His side. Who really knows what perfection is? We may become completely transformed from what we see in the mirror today.

Please let others see Christ reflected in me. Let my inner beauty shine forth, and let me always be a welcome sight to a stranger in need. And please let me make my connection in Dallas, and let my luggage make it to St Louis.

© Breath Of Life Womens Ministries 2014, Images from Pinterest.
Parts of this were published on Michelle’s blog on 2/12/11
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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