The Wisdom Of Yesterday

by Michelle Welch

“When you read this, you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ”
Ephesians 3:4 ESV

The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Ephesians to share with them what God had chosen him to do. He shared his thoughts, his wishes, his prayers, and his hurts with them. No matter when they read the letters, the value of God’s words through Paul would be apparent. His desire was for them and for future generations to continue to seek after God’s desires for them.

I was reminded of the importance of keeping a journal while studying Ephesians. How will my grandchildren know my thoughts on what is happening in the world today if I don’t write it down? As they are growing into teenagers, their desire to spend time at my knee learning about God has become less and less. Soon they will be married and off on their own (not too soon I hope but the days, they do fly by). Then who will tell their children about how much I loved God?

I have kept journals from a very young age. The silly words of childhood have grown into pages of thoughts designed to share my present with my future. I recently wrote an article for Single Matters Magazine about my years of keeping journals. You can read the entire article HERE.

Your legacy is important. Leaving a written record of the trials, the blessings, the prayers, and the miracles of your life is important to those who are to follow in your footsteps. Your story is important. It’s never too late to start.

We would love to hear your ideas for keeping a journal. Please share in the comments!


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