Make Time

by Michelle Welch

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12 (NIV)

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The words of this song have convicted me lately. Pursuing the world is a problem I struggle with. I know that all my children and grandchildren require of me is time. Not money. Not vacations. Not gifts. Just time with me. Yet often I am so busy that I fail to even see the disappointment in their eyes when I say “maybe later”.

Maybe later.

How many of us say those words every day? Maybe later I will write that letter. Maybe later I will sit on the floor and play hot wheels with a grandchild. Maybe later I will call that woman who lost her husband last week. Maybe later I will tell my husband what a great job I think he is doing.

Maybe later.

None of us are promised later. James 4:13-16 is a great reminder about the need to accomplish things today. We can’t succeed in building up God’s Kingdom here on earth when we are busy saying “maybe later”.

So dear friend — what will you do today to build the house of your dreams in your own life?

Lyrics to song can be found HERE


Copyright © 2015, Michelle Welch, all rights reserved, Breath of Life Women’s Ministries. Photography courtesy of Michelle Welch, all rights reserved. Scripture from The Holy Bible, New International Version.

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