Fabulous Fall Give-Away


β€˜Let us fear the Lord our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest.’
Jeremiah 5:24 (NIV)

Fall is a glorious time of the year! The brisk weather and changing of colors put us in the mood for a Fabulous Fall Give-away. All you have to do to enter this drawing is leave a comment below telling us what you love most about Fall. We are so excited to share our blessings from the Declare Conference, our friends at Cracker Barrel, DaySpring, and a few anonymous donors. Happy Fall y’all!

Much love, Jenny, Michelle, Freida, and Ingrid

Give-away package includes:

Please do not leave contact information in your comment. We will announce the winner on Sunday, October 19, 2014. We will notify you by leaving a comment on this page and ask to privately send your mailing information.

Good luck and God Bless!

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  1. Fall makes me think of change. Gives me hope. Things are so beautiful, God makes all things beautiful in His time. πŸ™‚ <3

  2. Fall and all its beautiful colors remind me of how I change from bla to the beautiful colors just like fall. Life changing beautiful colors that only Christ can do for me and through me.

  3. I love fall since it starts the beginning of out woman’s Bible study and the beginning of our holidays. So much to be thankful for.

  4. Fall is a time to relax, things slow down and I finally have time to relax and read and do things I enjoy, quiet time in the porch swing with hot tea is such a blessing. My fave time of year.

  5. I love the cool mornings and the warm days. The excitement of the new fall drinks warm ones of course. I love the different smells. The excitement of the upcoming holidays. The fall foods. Soups, cookies and everything pumpkin! Wearing jeans and t shirts sweatshirts sweaters. Having the widows down in my car with the heater on. If I still lived in Maine it would be the thrill of the hunt for birds this month then deer next month.

  6. I remember when I was a little girl who lived in Texas where is was kinda cold some winter days. Know I was a girl who was up for adoption. One day this couple from Pa, wanted to adopted my sisters and I. I remember that people would tell me it snows in Pa. I was so excited to see and feel snow. I was about 10yrs old when I came to Pa. Since then I love the changes of the seasons. My favorite is Spring and Fall but mostly Fall. Its so beautiful how the leaves change colors from green,yellow and red. To me it makes the world shine because of the radiant colors of the trees changing. I will never go back to Texas to live. I love the Fall.

  7. I love the smell of baked goods in my home; long warm bubble baths and a fire in the fireplace. Such a feeling of peace in all those things.

  8. Fall is my favorite season for many reasons – I love the colors, scents/smells, turning off the air conditioning, cuddling around bonfires, baking with pumpkins & apples, implementing more structure/schedule into our days (homeschoolers), easier to get the little ones to bed earlier, baking bread, soups/stews, comfy sweaters & jeans, watching the geese & pelicans migrate, football, etc. πŸ™‚

  9. Fall is so beautiful when the leaves start changing colors. Only God could make so many shades of reds, yellows and oranges .

  10. I have always loved fall more than any other season. Fall reminds me of change. Change is not necessarily anybody’s favorite thing in life but I like how Christ has changed me. Change(Autumn) is when I die to self (winter) and he begins to work in me and create something beautiful (spring). Love it!!

  11. I love the smells of fall. The beautiful colors, cool crisp weather. I love riding thru the mountains looking at all the fall beauty that God has blessed us with. I love that I have a fall anniversary, Oct 26th will be 13 wonderful years of being married to my best friend. We both have fall birthdays 9/27 &11/7 and the greatest fall gift came on my birthday with the birth of our first grandson. Fall is grand and glorious!

  12. Fall reminds me of the beautiful things God created the many beautiful colots of the trees changing and the richness of harvest season where no farmer ever says boy I planted way to much this year ! No they plant their seeds expecting GREAT HARVEST and for their seed that they have sown not to come back void but of great abundance ! And that is what God wants for His children a great harvest , not only in finances but in the seeds you may have planted in someone’s life by telling them about JESUS and His great love for all ! Those are the seeds that are important to God and fall season reminds me of these great things ! Be blessed my friends in Christ!

  13. Love the changing of the colors of the leaves. Going to bonfires and roasting hotdogs and marshmallows. Seeing the beauty that GOD has created.

  14. Ah. For me fall is all about family and hunting season. Family time spent setting up feeders and stands, chili and stew for family dinners, talking about the wildlife we saw while on the stand. The weather is wonderful and the time spent with family is not to be missed. Sadly, Daddy is gone butthe memories live on and the opportunity to share with other family is ever present!!

  15. Fall is my favorite season. I love the smell,the leaves changing, hoodies, camp fires, cuddling with my hubby, hot coco, sitting in front of a fire with a good book and baking with my kids. Fall reminds me every year that all the bumps in the road will always have a end. There is a season for everything in our live. Also in October is my hubby and my birthday. πŸ™‚

  16. What I love about Fall is the fact that families are closer. The weather seems to bring everyone closer, it brings college kids home for breaks, we are getting ready to celebrate the blessings we have been given throughout the year. The colors and smells of everything changing is amazing also but to me it’s all about the family and my many blessings. I have five children and this time of year brings them home to me and brings them closer and we learn about each others lives all over again, their plans, their goals and most importantly I learn of how they have been blessed while being away from their momma.

  17. Fall is a great time of harvest. It is the time of the year that we see the weather change with cool mornings, beautiful days and cool nights which are a great reminder of God’s glory on our lives. The tree leafs change colors to such beautiful different rays of oranges and reds that only God can create with such beauty and when I see those beautiful colors, I am just in awe with God’s goodness and how he really does work out every single detail out! Fall is a time for family and Thanksgiving and a time of reflection on all the great things we have to be thankful for. Fall is a crisp time of thanksgiving, reflection and beauty.

  18. I love the cool temperatures, beautiful colors, boots, sweaters, snugling up with a good book and something warm to drink, and everything pumpkin.

  19. Fall reminds me that everything has a season and that I should be thankful and hopeful through all of the seasons.

  20. I love the cool mornings and warm days of Fall, the beautiful colors of the season and the smells of pumpkin spice lattes, ciders and more! My favorite season…

  21. Always love fall because it gets dark earlier so my family always gathered earlier to spend more time together. The sounds of homework being done, the smells of supper cooking, and then hearing the voices of those gathered at the table sharing a prayer, food, and details of each family member’s day. What a blessing!

  22. I love taking long leisurely walks in the park! I am from the south we make Gumbo during the fall!

  23. Fall is my favorite season, my mom and I loved seeing the leaves change, taking all of the kids to the pumpkin patch. My mom has been gone for six years now and fall stills mean the world to me……it’s a connection to my mom that truly helps me with her death. Gods promise to me that all things are made new……

  24. I love the colors of fall they hold God’s beauty and promises of things to come. Change and renewing. Plus He has blessed me with people who were born in the fall.

  25. I love that fall brings the best snuggle time with my family. It’s a time to reflect on the summer rush and plan the holidays ahead. But mostly, it’s time to celebrate one more year with God πŸ™‚ I gave my life to Jesus in fall of 94 twenty years ago.

  26. I love the sound of leaves being blown like a giant wind chime in a cool breeze. I love the intense colors of the leaves and the fact that everywhere you look is even more beautiful than the scene before. I love walking outside and having crisp fresh air envelop me as it carries the fragrance of drying leaves and the first fireplace fires in the neighborhood. I love God’s promise that even in my autumn of life there is hope of new growth that will come after me.

  27. Fall is the time of both my physical and spiritual birth. There is such beauty in the fall that reflects the beauty that God has bought into my life. This is my favorite time of the year….

  28. Fall..when humidity and temperatures drop…the sun changes it’s angle as it passes earth and the light changes. The mornings take my breath away. Even the trees know that it is time to rest, preserve energy, and prepare for winter’s frost. Leaves, once vibrant and green, gently change colors like chameleons, then flutter and dance toward the ground. Pumpkins and apples abound. Hayrides and joyful squeals make me smile. Families and friends prepare to gather together. It is said that the sense of smell brings back more memories than any other sense. Fall smells like freshly raked leaves, apple cider, and pumpkin pie to me.

  29. My favorite thing about autumn is the crisp night air. I love sleeping with the window open, under my warmest and softest blanket and then in the morning I stay snuggled under those warm covers as I spent my first few moments with Jesus breathing in the fresh and cool air.

  30. The thing I love most about Fall are the changing colors and the smells in the air! All glorious reminders of the mighty hand of God in the changing of the season. It’s the prequel to all of the close family filled holiday season!

  31. I love the beautiful cool, crisp mornings with the sparkle of frost lying on the last green grass blades of summer, letting us witness God’s great majesty of color. He gives us a reminder that God is good all the time. All the time, GOD IS GOOD!

  32. Recently a trip up north revealed the awesomeness of Gods paint brush.. While waiting for my dad at the hospital (all things good) I looked out the sixth story window to a beautiful breathtaking scene of all the fall colors in full array, oranges, reds, yellows and greens and traverse city bay , it was so amazing and I praise God for living in Michigan where we get all four seasons and even in the icy winters God reveals to us the beauty of His handiwork in all of nature….!

  33. What I love most about Fall is God’s beautiful sunsets with different colored leaves on the trees, watching my husband harvest his crops of peanuts and cotton in the fields surrounding our home. God blesses us each and every day!

  34. My favorite thing about Fall is the light. Fall light is different from any other season’s. My favorite πŸ™‚

  35. Fall reminds me of my mom. Her birthday was in October, her favorite color was orange and she loved fall.

  36. We have a winner! It is Melissa Molina-Fair! Congratulations! Stayed tuned for more awesome give-aways! God Bless you!
    Breath of Life Women’s Ministries Team

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