Please Pray With Us

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:19-20

20141006_01Over the years, we have gathered together with you to pray for many things. Sickness, health, travel, safety. You, our precious sisters, have always stepped up to honor our requests. We have seen many miracles take place, always to the glory of God. Today we come before you with our most precious request.

As you know, we have a fourth member of our Breath Of Life team in Honduras. Her name is Ingrid Espinal de Harrison. She is Jenny’s daughter in law. She and Daniel were married on May 18, 2013. The adversary is working hard to keep sweet Ingrid from coming to join her husband. She is such a strong woman of faith yet even those who are strong can become bowed down by the weight of separation.

20141006_02We are asking that today, Tuesday October 7, you will join with us in prayer to ask God’s favor on this young couple. We ask that you pray specifically for expediency and clarity for the people handling the visa paperwork. We also would like you to join with us in asking our Abba for Ingrid to be here before Christmas. We claim this in the name of Christ Jesus.

Our Father God, our Adonai, we come humbly before You to ask for your favor to be showered upon Daniel and Ingrid. Please bring Ingrid to Texas to be with her husband. Let them be together for the holidays. We know that this union has been blessed by You every step of the way. You are all that we need, all that we desire, all that we live for. In You we are made whole. In all things we give only You the glory. We pray these things in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

Thank you for loving us, supporting us, praying for and with us, and being our friends. In all these things we are blessed by you, the body of Christ.

Blessings, Jenny, Michelle, Freida, and Ingrid

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  1. My prayers are with Daniel and Ingrid that they will be reunited, soon, in the USA, and for all the Breath of Life team for the great good you are doing throughout the world. God bless! Dennis

    1. Thanks Dennis!! We appreciate your support for Breath of Life Women’s Ministries! God Bless!

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