A Heart of Thanks

A reposted article By Chassidy Carroll While the wind howls in my window tonight, I’m thinking about a sweet old man who eats at the Salvation Army. His normal toothless smile faded earlier today when someone mentioned the weather. “I’m not looking forward to the cold.” His quiet words reflected on many of the dear… Continue reading A Heart of Thanks

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For the Hard Days

Message from Chassidy (founder and director of Hope Home Ministry) Hope Home Ministry is a faith-based transitional home for teenage girls who have been incarcerated or who are struggling due to difficult circumstances in their family. Our heart is to show our girls the love of Christ and to teach them that through a relationship… Continue reading For the Hard Days

Categorized as Chassidy

Just Like Her

by Chassidy Carroll “Do you know that I’ve been in prison?” Her eyes flicker downward with the question, just for a second.  Baring your heart before a stranger is never easy. But here she sits, at my kitchen table where I meet with all prospective new volunteers. Courageously bringing her past into the present, she… Continue reading Just Like Her

Categorized as Chassidy

Broken Chains

by Chassidy Carroll I wish I could say I never stopped believing that my friend would come back to Jesus. That he’d stop living in destruction. That he’d have the courage to change. But I can’t. Years had passed. He was in and out of jail. He went to prison and back, and back to… Continue reading Broken Chains

Categorized as Chassidy

A Heart of Thanks

By Chassidy Carroll While the wind howls in my window tonight, I’m thinking about a sweet old man who eats at the Salvation Army. His normal toothless smile faded earlier today when someone mentioned the weather. “I’m not looking forward to the cold.” His quiet words reflected on many of the dear faces in line… Continue reading A Heart of Thanks

Categorized as Chassidy


Today’s post is from Chassidy Carroll, one of our guest writers and founder of Hope Home Ministry in Brownwood,Texas. God is working in a mighty way in the hearts of young women at Hope Home. Thank you Chassidy for your selfless work of heart. You are making a difference. Message from Chassidy: Hope Home Ministry… Continue reading Communion

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Hope Home Ministry

by Chassidy Carroll Compassion, heart, and character would be a few words I would use to describe Miss Chassidy Carroll.  It is amazing to see what can be done when one person steps out with courage and says YES! to God. Chassidy’s love and obedience to a calling has been life-changing for several women who… Continue reading Hope Home Ministry

Categorized as Chassidy